Glass Repairs 101: Why It’s Dangerous to Cover Your Car Windows With Plastic

If you’ve ever had a broken car window, you know one of the easiest solutions is to cover the damage with plastic. While this can protect your car’s interior from bad weather, there are significant risks to using plastic as a cover. Many drivers across the country cover their car windows with plastic every winter, but few know the dangers of this practice.

This article will discuss the top reasons not to cover your car windows with plastic. We’ll also explore some alternative solutions that can help keep your car safe during winter weather! Remember to always consider your safety over convenience, and never cover your car windows with plastic without knowing the risks.

1) Plastic Can Cause Windows to Freeze

One of the biggest dangers of using plastic to cover car windows is that it can cause the glass to freeze. When you cover your windows with plastic, the trapped air between the plastic and the window creates a greenhouse effect. This can cause the glass to freeze solid, leading to a shattered window.

2) Plastic Can Cause Windows to Fog Up

Another major problem with using plastic as a window cover is that it can cause the windows to fog up. The moist air inside the car will condense on the cold plastic, causing foggy windows and reduced visibility. If you are driving and can’t see the road in front of you, it can be very dangerous. You don’t want to risk getting into an accident because you can’t see what’s in front of you.

3) Plastic Can Cause Car to Overheat

A third problem with using plastic as a window cover is that it can cause the car to overheat. When the sun shines on the plastic, it will heat up and trap the heat inside the car. This can cause the interior of the car to get extremely hot, leading to discomfort or even injury. Drivers in Arizona should be especially careful of this issue, as the temperatures inside a car can quickly reach dangerous levels.

4) Plastic Can Damage Window Frames

If you use plastic to cover your windows, it can also damage the window frame. The trapped moisture will cause the metal to rust, and the plastic will stick to the frame, making it difficult to remove. This can cause permanent damage to your car’s windows and frames. You don’t want to replace your windows every winter because you covered them with plastic!

5) Plastic Can Cause Windows to Crack

Another danger of using plastic as a window cover is that it can cause the windows to crack. When the plastic is cold, and the glass is warm, the two will expand and contract at different rates. This can cause the glass to crack, leading to expensive repairs or a new window. You’re better off avoiding this risk altogether by not using plastic as a window cover.

6) You May Not be Covered by Insurance if You Have a Cracked Window

If you cover your windows with plastic and it causes additional damages, you may not be covered by insurance. Most car insurance policies only cover broken windows if they are caused by an accident or vandalism. If you cracked your window yourself by using plastic, you might not be able to get it repaired or replaced under your policy.

7) It’s Hard to See out of Plastic-Covered Windows

When your windows are covered in plastic, it’s hard to see out of them. This can be dangerous if you’re driving and need to see the road ahead of you. You may also have a hard time seeing other cars or pedestrians, leading to accidents. If you can’t see what’s going on around you, it’s best not to drive at all.

8) Plastic Can Damage Your Car’s Paint Job

Another risk of using plastic as a window cover is that it can damage your car’s paint job. The plastic will stick to the paint and pull off the top layer, leaving your car with a scratched and damaged look. You don’t want to spend all of your time and money on getting your car’s paint job done just to have it ruined by plastic sheeting!

9) Plastic Can Interfere With Airbags

If you have an airbag in your car, using plastic as a window cover can interfere with it. The plastic will keep the airbag from deploying properly in the event of an accident, which could lead to serious injury. You’re better off not using plastic at all and relying on your airbag to protect you in case of an accident.

10) It’s More Convenient and Affordable to Use Alternatives to Plastic

There are many alternatives to using plastic as a window cover, and most of them are more convenient and affordable. Some alternatives include using towels or blankets, using a car sunshade, or hiring a professional auto glass company. All of these options are more affordable and easier to use than plastic, and they provide the same level of protection from the cold and the sun while you are waiting for repairs.

If you’re still unsure whether using plastic is a good idea, talk to a professional auto glass company. They can help you choose the best window cover for your needs and will be able to install it properly for maximum protection. Avoiding the risks of using plastic is well worth the cost of hiring a professional!

Why Hire a Professional Company for Repairs?

When it comes to car repairs, it’s always best to hire a professional company. Professional companies have the experience and the tools necessary to repair your car properly. They also have the training and knowledge to ensure that your car is safe to drive after the repairs are completed.

If you try to repair your car yourself, you may not do a good job and could end up causing more damage. You may also not be aware of all of the safety risks involved in repairing your car. It’s always best to leave the repairs to the professionals!

When it comes to window coverings for your car, there are many options available besides plastic. Talk to a professional auto glass company about the best option for you. They will be able to install the cover properly and ensure that your car is safe to drive. Reach out to our team today for more information!

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